
Home made Zaru-Tofu

Published: : Last update:2014/01/14 Tofu

Today’s recipe is “Home made Zaru-Tofu”.

It is the best and very simple way to taste your home made Tofu.

Let’s try and feel the real taste of Tofu!


Home made Zaru-Tofu


< Ingredients>
Soy Beans 280 g
Water 1200 cc
Nigari (Tofu coagulant) *Follow the direction for each product.
Hot water 1600 cc


1. Wash soybeans well and soak in water (1200 cc) overnight.
2. Divide soybeans and water equally into 3 bowls. Pass through blender for 2 min. one by one.
3. Put them together in a big pan and add hot water(1600 cc).
4. Cook over medium heat. Keep stirring.
5. When it starts boiling, reduce heat lower and  keep 10min. with stirring.
Turn off the heat and cool down for a while.
6. Pour soy beans pure (process 5) into the sarashi-cotton bag. Squeeze soy milk.
7. Reheat soy milk to temperature 75-80 °c.  Add Nigari and stir like drawing circles 2 times, very slowly.
8. Put lid and wait 15min.
9. Prepare some condiments such as green onions, grated ginger, or dashi-shouyu.
    Serve (process 8) onto Zaru(Bamboo-mesh bowl).


My Tofu story

This is the most simple way to have Tofu.

More than 10 years ago, it was very hard to cook Tofu myself.
Because there is not  enough environment, even in Tokyo.
My first try, it was very difficult and I could make just a small amount.
I recognized its strong taste of real soy milk.
But it was too hard to make often so I gave up.

After that I moved to Montreal and I decided to make tofu again a few years ago.
This time I could find lots of  information and good tools very easily.
Then I made Tofu everyday and I got some  special tips now!

I hope many people know this simple and healthy taste of real Tofu .
You must try and you can do it!



 Today’s Sakura









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